Monday, January 13, 2014

Stick p2 Sketchbook

Again, I prefer the overall feel of my rough sketches more than my digital inks, but they're just too rough to pass off as "professional". I just need to keep working to get better at drawing digitally. I've never really liked real inking either, it's slows down my drawing and the lines always look wobbly to me. I do like how the final ferns turned out compared to the simpler bushes below.

The toothy creature is simply called a "Dot" - it's sort of like a piranha frog. Anybody who knew me in elementary school should be getting a kick out of this. Notice how it's got four limbs above and below I tried out several ideas before deciding to go with the simpler pair of legs. I may use the spider guys later. Also below are my rough thumbnails and again all these sketches were done during my breaks at Walmart.

Hope you've enjoyed these first few posts, I'm hoping to hit my stride the next couple weeks, when I'll need to occupy my time while Amanda gets buried in school work.

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