Saturday, January 11, 2014

Scraps from the Past - Moses

I enjoy drawing characters from the Bible. I've done many illustrations over the years for the Show and Tell Bible, starting with the Exodus in high school, Judges & Ecclesiastes in college. I'm currently working on the Gospels. Moses is one of my favorite characters, perhaps because he's one I'm so familiar with.

Here is an example of how I drew him for the Show & Tell Bible while I was in high school (2004-06).

Anime hairdo, deformed arms and  legs; it's sort of embarrassing to look at, but keep in mind this was drawn nearly ten years ago!

Here's an example of a sketch I did of him a couple years after graduating college, in one of my infamous Walmart sketchbooks. Pencil and fine Sharpie pen. I wish this was the Moses I'd been drawing for the Show & Tell Bible.

Here is a very quick sketch I did tonight in Photoshop with my Wacom tablet. Based on still from "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston, although I picture Moses' appearance/demeanor somewhere between Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood. The older sketch is arguably drawn better, but I've been trying to refine a more stylized approach to my character line art. Let me know what you think.

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