Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Roger Progress

I wanted to practice "painting" in Photoshop, so I started doodling and ended up with this pink guy.

I thought he looked kind of like Roger the Homunculus from the Hellboy/BPRD comics, so I worked on him a bit more until I got to what you see below.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

axolotl and homunculus

A couple speed paintings done in Photoshop. I've spent so much of my life sketching in pencil, it's strange trying to approach color in this way. I'm a terrible painter.

an axolotl

Roger (from Hellboy/BPRD)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Crucifixture (line art)

Finally got around to watching the Bible miniseries on DVD this week. Enjoyed it and felt inspired to do an illustration appropriate for the current holiday. I think it's the first Jesus film I've seen that makes an effort to depict the Jewish leaders as being caught between a rock and a hard place - "we have to kill Jesus or else things will get out of control and the Romans will crush our nation." At least that's how I read it - probably an attempt to avoid the usual "anti-Semitic" controversy. So instead they got "Obama is the devil" accusations.

Work in progress... Sometimes I am blessed and my drawings turn out good. Listened to Olivier Messiaen's "L'Ascension" and Johann Sebastian Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion" while working on this.

Not to make light of the serious subject matter, but for giggles here's my photo reference.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sketch #17

Carnage & Shriek for Jenji

I wanted to draw the Spider-Man Doppleganger also, but I quickly got frustrated trying to figure out how to draw all those limbs and webs... I always loved that wacky character. Maybe some other time.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sketch Requests #14-16

Everest Daydream for Daniel

Tiger Princess for Tamara

Vintage Mustang Cafe for Dad

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sketch Requests #12, 13

Funny that these ones were requested back to back. Super heroes and super pets!

For Greta Kastner
Greta - For some reason I had a really hard time with this one - I redrew it several times and I'm still not completely happy with it, but I want to catch up so hopefully it turned out all right!

For Stephanie Robino